Annexe 4: Acronymes
- ALT Approach and Landing Test
- APU Auxiliary Power Unit
- BA Base Aérienne
- DFRC Dryden Flight Research Center
- EAFB Edwards Air Force Base
- FVV Facility Verification and Validation
- GPS Global Positioning System
- INA Institut National de l’Audiovisuel
- IRCM InfraRed CounterMeasures
- JSFC Johnson Space Flight Center
- KSC Kennedy Space Center
- LC Launch Complex
- MDD Mate-Demate Device
- MOL Manned Orbiting Laboratory
- MLP Mobile Launch Platform
- MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
- MST Mobile Service Tower
- MVGVT Mated Vertical Ground Vibration Test
- NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NASM National Air and Space Museum
- NRO National Reconnaissance Office
- OMS Orbital Maneuvering System
- OV Orbital Vehicle
- RCS Reaction Control System
- SAB Shuttle Assembly Building
- SCA Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
- SLC Space Launch Complex
- SOAS Shuttle Orbiter Arresting System
- SRB Solid Rocket Booster
- SSME Space Shuttle Main Engine
- STA Structural Test Article
- STS Space Transportation System
- UHF Ultra Haute Fréquence
- USAF United States Air Force
- VAB Vehicle Assembly Building
- VAFB Vandenberg Air Force Base
- VLS Vandenberg Launch Site